Monday, June 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Sorry guys. I managed to break my computer almost right away, so I haven't been able to update. Ready for a media heavy post? Okay!

I've moved into my new home for the next twelve months, which is bigger than I expected. I live in Noeun-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon. I have no idea what my address is. I'll try to find out. It's 15 minutes to the school and most of the walk is through a very ritzy neighborhood. And I mean ritzy by Korean standards. Space is at a premium here, so most people live in apartment complexes. My neighborhood has many large, single family houses, some even with yards. There are also quite a few gardens, tended to by older women. Please take moment to scroll through some photos of my neighborhood. The photos are ordered from leaving school and walking to my apartment, both night and day.

My school is located on the sixth floor. Notice the orange blob in the center. That's where I work.

This is what it looks like at night, when I am walking home.

If I walk this way, I go past a Mexican Chicken joint. I have no idea if the food is any good. But I like going this way so I'm off the main street.

There is a church at the end of the side street, and I am able to use it as a landmark for finding my way. It's like walking towards god. It feels philosophical, in way.

This is an animal clinic. Sometimes they have adorable animals inside and I'll take a detour.

The street in front of my building. The church is just to the right of that garden. There is usually a pile of garbage sitting on that corner. More on that later.

The lion above the door guards the entrance to my apartment, keeping out riff-raff.

Up three flights is my apartment.

NOTE: Video will not load. I'll try a separate post.

I have a total of one fork, three spoons, one glass, plus a few assorted bowls and plates. The washing machine won't work unless a dumbbell is placed on a particular button. The fridge is still sticky. If my neighbors use their washing machine, it sounds like a monster lives in my bathroom drain. I need to buy basic things like dishes and a bedside lamp, but it really isn't bad. I have a fan and an air conditioner. And my laundry patio doesn't flood like a lot do. But since my fridge is back there, I'm thankful it doesn't.

Koreans don't typically use dryers, which suits me fine since I air dried about half my clothes at home anyway. Also, the small apartments don't have ovens, which I may miss. Luckily, the teacher downstairs has a small one, so I can always use hers.

I know some of you are anxious to know about the actual teaching, but I still haven't had a full week of classes. Wednesday was election day, so we had the day off. I'll try to update on that towards the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. A nice walk through your neighborhood, Emily. I enjoyed it. I'll be happy when you get your video of your apartment to load. I've only seen bits & pieces of it so far, but I do love your Spider Man.
